#FarmDost | Take pride in farming. Join Us in Cultivating the world.

Be a #FarmDost Contest

For Schools

Best #FarmDost
Student award

1. The participant must use the seeds provided in the Be a #Farmdost kit to grow plants and also share pictures of all six stages* of the plants’ growth on www.FarmDost.com

2. The participant whose pictures have the highest number of Facebook Likes + Shares (for all six pictures put together on the FarmDost facebook page facebook.com/FarmDost) will win the Best #FarmDost Student Award for the city

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Student award

1. The participant must meet atleast 3 farmers to understand their life and farming.

2. The participant must click pictures with the farmers and write about their experience. This should be uploaded on FarmDost.com

3. Evaluation will be based on the most innovative way of thanking the farmer.(No material transaction but simple gestures and deep appreciation for what the farmers do)

Read Rules and Regulations

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